Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Entrepreneurship - Growth through international among entrepreneurial Essay
Entrepreneurship - Growth through international among entrepreneurial firms - Essay Example A number of studies have been carried out in order to explore the process of internationalization among SMEs and the importance and benefits of such moves. These studies have clearly depicted the internationalization phenomenon. However the performance implications of the phenomenon remain under explored. The reason why the performance remains underexplored is owing to the several motivations and goals that drive business owners towards internalization. Since each entrepreneur has his or her own goal for going international, it is not easy to study the performance of such SMEs in the foreign market (Carrier, 2004). Despite the fact that there are multiple motivations that drives businesses towards internationalization there are two main goals that are known to play an active role towards this practice. The two common motivations are achieving firm growth and improving the profitability of the business (Wolff & Timothy, 2000) states that firm growth remains the most important motivati on towards internationalization. Two avenues have been widely used in the internationalization of a firm. These two avenues are exporting and foreign direct investment (Beamish, 2000). This paper explores the growth of firm through internationalization. To make this possible, the treatise relies on literature from journals that talk about the various avenues of internationalization, the motivation towards internalization and the implications and results of internalization in the various businesses and firms that go into it. This paper relies on scholarly journals and articles that explore the topic of internalization and business growth. A total of 20 academic journals that explore business growth through internationalization are used in this paper. In selecting the academic journals that are used in the paper, a Meta-analysis of the various business journals on the topic of discussion
Monday, October 28, 2019
Impacts of Knife Crime
Impacts of Knife Crime Britain is in the grip of a knife crime epidemic. This is the impression one gets from the media: every week seems to bring new stories of stabbing and murder among city youth. But why are these youngsters engaging in such activity? This quote suggests that young people who carry knives do so protection, status and peer pressure. The media also plays a part by reinforcing the idea that everyone else is carrying a weapon. Finally, the quote claims socially excluded young people from dysfunctional families are more likely to use knives. The first part this essay will first give an overview of the labelling approach and social construction theory, it will then go on to consider whether young people are in fact engaging in knife crime because of the above reasons, or whether it is simply a consequence of the labelling process. The labelling theory devotes little effort in explaining why certain individuals begin to engage in deviance. Rather, it stresses the importance of the process through which society defines acts as deviant and the role of negative social reactions in influencing individuals to engage in subsequent acts. The labelling theorists shift their attention away from individuals and their actions and toward the dynamic of social definition that particular acts or actors are deviant. The first labelling theorist was Frank Tannenbaum (1938), he suggested the person who is labelled, subsequently becomes the thing he is being described as. Whether that label be given by those who would punish, or by those who would reform. In either case the emphasis is upon the conduct that is being disapproved of. The harder the criminal justice system works to reform the evil, the greater the evil will grow and the harder it will become to suppress the bad behaviour. He claimed the way out was through a refusal to dramatize the evil. The less said about it the better. The more said about something else, still better.à Taylor et all (1973) reinforced the labelling theory by suggesting that the way a stop will be put to deviant behaviour is: to create a society in which the facts of human diversity, whether personal, organic or social, are not subjected to the power to criminalize.à Sociologist Haword Becker(1963), recognised deviance is not a quality that lies in the behaviour itself but in the interaction between the person who commits an act, and those who respond to it. A good way to demonstrate this point is by referring to the study of opiate useà by the sociologist Alfred Ray Lindesmith, his findings demonstrated how a person becomes aware of their addiction. In essence it is not the drug that makes the person an addict, the addiction is a result of social definition. When others label them as addicts, then the person too comes to define himself as an addict. In other words behaviour is not inherently deviant or normal but is defined and labelled that way. So how does the labelling process work? Erikson (1975), the founder of the labelling theory, describes two main stages to the labelling process. The first stage involves primary deviance, which is the initial criminal act, after which a person may be labelled as deviant or criminal, but does not yet accept this role. So the person does not view himself as a criminal. It is this lack of viewing that separates primary deviance from the next stage, second deviance. Secondary deviance involves a status degradation ceremony This begins by a formal confrontation between the deviant and the officials, as in the criminal trial; this is then followed by an announcement of the verdict, and finally the deviant is assigned with a special role, like a prisoner which redefines his position in society. According to Tannenbaum (1938), formal proceedings signify the dramatization of evil, whereby the act is publically announced and defined as immoral. News of the formal sanction will then spread across the community leading to others also labelling him as deviant. The individual finally accepts the criminal label; their self concept is changed from normal to deviant. According to Lemert, This becomes a mean of defence, attack, or adaption to the problems caused by societal reaction to primary deviation.à This process can also take place in a more subtle fashion as well. For example, the family of deviant may become withdrawn and distance themselves from hi m in disappointment, regardless of whether a formal charge has occurred. Accordingly, the labelling theory suggests: if the individual accepts this negative criminal label that has been applied, they are then more likely to continue engaging in the behaviour that the label was initially meant to control. In other words the label leads the deviant individual to follow a self-fulfilling prophecy conforming to ascribed label, causing them to lead deviant careers. For example, if a person is caught carrying a knife, but is not apprehended or labelled as deviant, that person is more likely to forgo such behaviour in the future. However, if the person is apprehended and labelled as a criminal, then the person is subsequently more likely to change his identity as a rest of the exclusion felt by the individual from normal routines or conventional opportunities, and increased contact with the deviant groups. Having explained the theory, this essay will now interlink the labelling theory with the quote. The quote itself suggests most young people carry knives for: protection, status and peer pressure. The perceived need for protection is compounded by the sense, reinforced by the media coverage of stabbings, that everyone is carrying a weapon, as well as experience of victimisation. In terms of socially excluded young people from dysfunctional families are more likely to engage in knife use. For young people, the transition from childhood to adult can be rather confusing, their adult identity is not yet developed and so they often become bewildered as to their own position within society. George Herbert Mead claimed an individual develops a sense of self through how others perceive them, he coined this as the looking glass self. He suggested as children develop, they become more aware of their own social position and others around them, and subsequently become concerned about the demands and expectations of others and of the larger society. To demonstrate this point, he used a basketball game as an example, to show children, like basketball players, must take into account the roles of all players, as well as consider their own role.à [8]à This symbolic interaction to the study of deviance focuses on the process by which the wider social audience creates deviance and deviants by defining the acts and actors that way. The problem with defining young people as either knife carriers or knife users is that the term knife crime encompasses a very broad range of offences, and makes no distinguish between actual carrying and using. Furthermore, knife crime statistics are equally as difficult to quantify due to lack of clarity. The offences recorded involve sharp instruments these might actually refer to screwdrivers, broken bottles or glass, not a knife. Similarly offences listed as threatening another person with a weapon might involve sticks, rocks or other objects as well as knives. Furthermore certain types of knife may be carried legally if the carrier has a good reason, for example if it is work related, or for religion purposes. So there is some confusion as to who should be labelled when the definition itself is so br oad, a clearer definition is required in order to prevent sensationalised use of the term. If deviance is therefore just a label, where does the label come from? And how does the label come to be applied to specific behaviour and particular individuals? According to the sociologist Howard Becker(1963), moral entrepreneurs are often ones who create the rules about what constitutes deviant or conventional behaviour.à He believes that moral entrepreneurs use their own perspectives on what they believe is right or wrong to establish the rules by which they expect the rest of society to live, usually for their own political agendas. Furthermore, it has been suggested that these rules as to what is right or wrong are not randomly distributed across the social structure, but are instead more likely to apply to the powerless, the disadvantaged, and the poor. Because of existing stereotypes, which portray criminals as members of lower classes, minorities, urban dwellers, and young adults, individuals who belong to such groups are more likely than others to be labelled delinquent. à So the labelling process is a clear case of double standard, one rule for the rich and one for the poor. A perfect example to show this inadequacy is the recent MP expense row, those in power were stealing from the rest of society, yet their power enabled them to put the issues of youth violence, weapon use and gangs at the fore front, sending out sensationalised messages of a broken societyà to exploit their own agendas. So the crime of the powerful is somewhat ignored by shifting societies focus on crimes of the middle and lower class. So is the quote correct in assuming knife users are generally from dysfunctional families? A dysfunctional family is one who has very few values or discipline within the household. An interesting theory to incorporate here is the control theory; this is concerned not with why people commit crime, but why so many refrain from doing so. It suggests those children who grow up with parents who exercise fair and consistent discipline are less likely to offend, and more likely to stay committed to conventional definitions of right or wrong behaviour. Those children who typically engage in knife crime or any other crime for that matter are said to come from broken homes, where they have not experienced love or care. Linking this back to the labelling theory, which suggests the powerless, low class are more likely to lead deviant careers, because they lack bonds with society and law. Subsequently, young people who have dysfunctional families within these communities will more likely conform to stereotypes they face. More so, if their parents informally label them as deviant which is very likely in cases of minorities from lower class; because they engage in more objective deviance.à This appraisal from the parent will influence their further delinquency. The quote also suggests the mass media also plays a part in ones decision to carry a knife, but is this true? Does the medias public labelling have an impact on a young persons decision to carry a knife around for protection? The media is one of the most persuasive features of society. The messages and information society receives through the media plays a huge impact on influencing their opinions and understanding. It sends out an image of the world as unrealistically clear-cut and understandable.à The media messages are in fact cleverly selected and edited, in order to offer identifiable values, interest and normative expectations. Stanley Cohen researched the social reaction of the Mods and Rockers disturbance in 1964; he claimed the media created a moral panic by labelling them as folk devils and exaggeration the initial events.à The original incident simply became an opportunity to exploit and enhance the social status of the moral entrepreneurs. In terms of knife crime or any other crime for that matter, the media is able to cultivate in their audience a belief that the larger social environment is dangerous and frightening, for example, when the mail screams that Shock figures reveal no part of Britain is safe as knife violence spreads everywhere, Thugs committing 350 knife assaults EVERYDAY, as blade menace spreads to rural areas, Britain on alert for deadly new knife with exploding tip that freezes victims organs, these are just a few examples to demonstrate the medias exaggeration. In the last headline, the knife was only sold in America, designed to kill sharks and bears, so no risk was being posed in Britain. But these types of sensationalised reports enhance social control, because the frightened audience are easily manipulated and easily accept what the media presents, and knife crime becomes wider and threatening then it actually is. The media has its good elements too; it helps raise knife crime awareness and also brings to the forefront campaigns against knife crime. The bad news is that the huge publicity devoted to raising awareness has the preserve effect of normalising it. The crime reduction charity Nacro, for example, argued: the suggestion that it is in any sense the norm to carry weapons is likely to increase the number of young people who do so, simply because they fear attack and wish to have the means to protect and defend themselves.à Furthermore the Mothers against Murder and aggression Wales found the way knife crime is portrayed in the news gives out the message that all teenagers are armed, which is a frightening concept, Almost everyone carrying a knife does so because they feel they have to protect themselves as everyone else is doing so.à So the media, like the labelling theory, labels certain groups of people, in this case young people, without any proper justification. Furthermore headl ines such as war on young thugs contributes to the concept that for some young people there is a war being waged against them and they be fighting back.à Furthermore the negative connotations of youths, when the vast majority are law-abiding, can add their sense of being under attack. As a consequence these labelled youths may begin to believe stereotypical beliefs surrounding them, or they may think that these beliefs exist based on their learned perception of what people think about criminals; fearing rejection, they may withdraw from interaction with conventional peers. Goffman (1963) suggests labelling can cause the interaction between normal people and stigmatized youth to be uneasy and embarrassing. These awkward experiences are felt by those who bear the stigma as well as those who do not. According to Goffman (1963 the very anticipation of such contacts can lead normals and the stigmatized to arrange life so as to avoid them. Therefore non labelled adolescents and labelled adolescents may tend to avoid one another in order to avoid uncomfortable interaction dynamics. Feeling isolated from the mainstream of society, and being locked within their deviant role, they may seek others similarly labelled to form deviant subcultures.à The deviant subculture will represent a source of social support in which deviant activities are accepted. A social shelter will be provided by the subculture away from those who react negatively towards the deviant status; it will offer alternative values, habits, interests and attitudes. So if an individual is labelled as deviant from society, then that labelled person is increasingly likely to become involved in social groups that consist of social deviants and unconventional others.à Tannenbaum and Becker highlight the role of deviant networks in explaining how public labelling can increase the likelihood of deviance. A final step in the career of a deviant is movement into an organised deviant group. The deviant group provides opportunities that encourage, support and facilitate deviant behaviour. These deviant sub cultures are made up of leaders and followers, solidarity of intention, clarity of purpose. These characteristics may seem positive in an adult world, even necessary for achieving adult identity and self esteem. However this hierarchy proves to be negative in terms of delinquent groups. Those at the top of the hierarchy, the leaders are often given a prestige status, one which would not be given in the mainstream society. With regards to knife crime, these leaders of the gangs side step the risk of being caught carrying a knife, by pressuring the younger member of the gangs to carry them, some as young as seven, this is often referred to as golf caddy. This often leads to an arm race among young people who feel increasingly threatened by peers carrying blades and so carry knives to protect themselves. So as the quote suggested, protection is rightfully a number one motive for knife carriers. Furthermore, young people will carry knives, out of respect, maybe trying to make a name for themselves on the street and gain respect,à so the status which they lack from mainstream society is obtainable within the subculture, To conclude, having gone through the factors within the quote, it seemingly appears that the quote is incorrect. The factors listed within the quote are simply all a consequence of the labelling theory. Society itself is quick to judge and put a label on everything, it was not so long so ago when gun crime was the cause of concern, and now it is knife crime. The term knife crime itself needs a clearer definition, so a distinction can be made between knife use and knife carrying. Furthermore, those who enjoy the power to label need to put an end to class biasness, as the powerless appear disproportionately in official statistics on deviance, which gives an inaccurate account of knife crime. Moving on to the factors themselves, status is something young people crave in order to develop their own adult identity. Once officially labelled through a status degradation ceremonythe individuals criminal status becomes their master status. The peer pressure elements falls into the equation onc e the individual has united with deviant subcultures, as peer pressure is part of the gang culture. The media also plays a big part, by publically labelling certain subcultures as delinquent. So all the factors form one vicious circle, which an individual will have to go through once labelled, This could be avoided, if the courts refused to dramatise the evil by implementing a system whereby minor crimes would not involve formal sentencing and the status degradation ceremony that goes with it. Instead a rehabilitative therapy and out of court settlement could be introduced in order to give young offenders the opportunity to reform and integrate back into society, not excluding them further.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Fly Away Peter :: essays research papers
Dear Journal Jim, Jim, Jim - thinking about the senseless murder of Jim by men who never knew him or disliked him except for his nationality. I began to realise that the world is changing everyday and I canââ¬â¢t stop it. I started to stroll down the undulating dunes of the gold coast towards the vast desolate beaches. My feet sunk down into the sand and the thousands of tiny white sand grains slipped down into my shoes. I reached the pounding shore and lay my equipment on the ground. Jim, Ashley and I where completely different people in terms of our social standingââ¬â¢s but our undying love and compassion for the birds brought us together. Nothing could take that from us. All I could think of is, ââ¬Å"What am I doing,â⬠on this sphere they call Earth, ââ¬Å"why am I hereâ⬠and more importantly why was Jim taken off this planet. Is life a metaphor for something bigger and if so, what is it? There is some comfort that I feel knowing that Jim has gone to a better place, a place that he knows is a sacred haven. As I looked at the perfectly formed white and peaceful dunes stretching endlessly along the coast I think of how transcendental and peaceful the beach is compared to where Jim was before he died. When I think about the waste and lives that this war has ravaged, I feel like yelling out. I contemplate about how upset Jimââ¬â¢s father was when I saw him and I couldnââ¬â¢t bear it, I felt like breaking down and weeping. à à à à à The waves are the most perfect creation of God; the ocean is one huge swell that rushes towards of beachfront, searching for a special place were they might show their power and life purpose. They may spend a lifetime roaming the ocean and when they finally reach the shore, their force spent and not even a single man may see it, and if so, is it a wasted wave? The power, force and beauty of those waves last only a few seconds and yet how many humans appreciate those seconds. These thoughts that were roaming around in my head made me think of Jim and his life. To me, Jimââ¬â¢s life was a short but significant one. Where he touched so many of us, but mostly Ashleyââ¬â¢s and I. Whenever, I think of the first time I met Jim, I visualise a man who seemed so confident and always had his own firm opinions. Fly Away Peter :: essays research papers Dear Journal Jim, Jim, Jim - thinking about the senseless murder of Jim by men who never knew him or disliked him except for his nationality. I began to realise that the world is changing everyday and I canââ¬â¢t stop it. I started to stroll down the undulating dunes of the gold coast towards the vast desolate beaches. My feet sunk down into the sand and the thousands of tiny white sand grains slipped down into my shoes. I reached the pounding shore and lay my equipment on the ground. Jim, Ashley and I where completely different people in terms of our social standingââ¬â¢s but our undying love and compassion for the birds brought us together. Nothing could take that from us. All I could think of is, ââ¬Å"What am I doing,â⬠on this sphere they call Earth, ââ¬Å"why am I hereâ⬠and more importantly why was Jim taken off this planet. Is life a metaphor for something bigger and if so, what is it? There is some comfort that I feel knowing that Jim has gone to a better place, a place that he knows is a sacred haven. As I looked at the perfectly formed white and peaceful dunes stretching endlessly along the coast I think of how transcendental and peaceful the beach is compared to where Jim was before he died. When I think about the waste and lives that this war has ravaged, I feel like yelling out. I contemplate about how upset Jimââ¬â¢s father was when I saw him and I couldnââ¬â¢t bear it, I felt like breaking down and weeping. à à à à à The waves are the most perfect creation of God; the ocean is one huge swell that rushes towards of beachfront, searching for a special place were they might show their power and life purpose. They may spend a lifetime roaming the ocean and when they finally reach the shore, their force spent and not even a single man may see it, and if so, is it a wasted wave? The power, force and beauty of those waves last only a few seconds and yet how many humans appreciate those seconds. These thoughts that were roaming around in my head made me think of Jim and his life. To me, Jimââ¬â¢s life was a short but significant one. Where he touched so many of us, but mostly Ashleyââ¬â¢s and I. Whenever, I think of the first time I met Jim, I visualise a man who seemed so confident and always had his own firm opinions.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Disaster Management Essay
Disaster management is a way to help when disasters happen but it is also to help prevent them or to inform everyone about what may happen. The main function is to helping the citizens to understand what is happening. The state will determine how severe the disaster is and then the ones who are responsible for reporting to the appropriate government or agency will then make the recommendation to getting help for funding, support, and any emergency supplies to those who are affected by the disaster. The disasters that happen can be unpredictable like earthquakes, while other natural disasters could happen with some type of warning like flooding. B. The state of California has manuals that they use that goes into details about statewide policies, procedures, regulations, and any other important information that was developed and authorized by the state offices, department of finance, department of general services, and the government offices (Disaster Management ââ¬â California Technology Agency ââ¬â State of California, 2013). III. Examine local, state federal legal and regulatory requirements A. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)- Has jurisdiction over all public and private sector places of employment in the state with exception of Federal employees, the USPS, private sector employers on Native American lands, maritime activities on navigate waterways of the US, private contractors on designated land under Federal jurisdiction, and employers that requires Federal security clearance. B. Joint Commission of Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) C. The California State Plan is operated under an agreement with OSHA. It is an occupational safety and health program in accordance with Section 18 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. D. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)- Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act, Coordination with the Department of Homeland Security, Regional Emergency Coordinators, Emergency Care Coordination Center IV. Is there a Certificate of Need program for your state? A. Certificate of Need (C. O. N. ) programs are aimed at restraining health care facility costs. The Health Planning Resources Development Act of 1974 was put into effect across the nation. Over the past 30 years, there have been numerous changes and about 36 states retain some type of CON program. This program was used to approve the construction and expansion of health care facilities and services based on determination and community need. B. California does not currently have a C. O. N. in effect. Back in 1969, the state had implemented a C. O. N, ending in 1987. Californiaââ¬â¢s C. O. N. program suffered from inadequate staffing and lack of data. V. What are the issues to consider when meeting the International Building Code for a facility? A. New codes vs. Old codes B. Updates to ââ¬Å"I-Codesâ⬠done by diverse group of officials i. Corridor width ii. 8 feet of clear, unobstructed width iii. Defend-in-place practices iv. Visual and audible fire alarms. v. Elevator Lobbies vi. Floor openings vii. Smoke control viii. Ceiling and smoke partitions ix. Fully Sprinkler hospitals x. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers xi. Decorations on Wall. C. What Measurements may need to be done in advance of the new plan or renovation? i. Acoustical measurements to plan work zones accordingly to minimize decibels ii. Security measurements to ensure clear sightlines where needed, specialized door access and/or any visual monitoring via camera. iii. Measuring of equipment to ensure adequate planning of rooms iv. Safety measures D. List the stakeholders that may play a role in your development (Scott) Facility management i. Providers that are financially vested in the company ii. Depending on size of facility, CEO, CFO, VP, etc. iii. Input from floor staff to maximize area usage for patients iv. Patients-their input from potential comment cards or direct questioning in how to improve their care from a facility perspective. E. Conclusion i. Strong conclusion that provides details to what the State of California is working towards accomplishing safety awareness. ii. Existing disaster plans in the State of California. iii. State of California has financial instability affecting citizens as well as service. References Disaster Management ââ¬â California Technology Agency ââ¬â State of California. (2013). Retrieved from http://http://www. cio. a. gov/OIS/Government/disaster. asp HHS. gov. (2010). Retrieved from http://www. hhs. gov/asl/testify/2010/01/t20100125a. html US Department Of Labor. (2013). California State Plan. Retrieved from http://www. osha. gov/dcsp/osp/stateprogs/california. html What is disaster management? (2012). Retrieved from http://www. disastermanagement. in/2012/02/what-is-disaster-management. html Certificate of Need: State Health Laws and Programs . (2011). Retrieved from http://www. ncsl. org/issues-research/health/con-certificate-of-need-state-laws. aspx
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Environmental Case Study Essay
Malathion is a type of pesticide that is usually used in health pest control programs. For example, in mosquito eradication. It is used in various areas and public recreation areas. Other synonyms of Malathion include ââ¬Ëcarbofosââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëmaldisonââ¬â¢ and mercaptothion. It has been used in the past, to eradicate mosquito, Mediterranean fruit fly and the West Nile virus. Malathion use needs to be assessed well. In any urban set up, people are at a very high risk of being affected in case of careless use of this pesticide. Towns support a large number of populations, together with their facilities. As a member of the town council, it would be very crucial for me to carry out a risk assessment exercise before embarking on Malathion use in and around the town. The states of risk assessment will include: hazard identification, dose-response, exposure and risk characterization. In hazard identification, the hazards of using Malathion are identified together with their consequences. Hazards can be grouped into several major groupings. One major group is hazards of Malathion use on human beings. In an urban set up, a large population of people is concentrated at one point. For example, what danger can Malathion use be, if absorbed or ingested into the human body or if present in water sources. If Malathion use can case disorders in unborn babies is also identified. Another category of hazard identification is, hazards Malathion use may cause on the natural environment. This includes vegetation and even soil components. Both domestic and wild animals could be affected by its use. Just like humans, what consequences does Malathion use result to, if absorbed or ingested into the animalsââ¬â¢ bodies. The soil interaction with the pesticide means, Malathion use can as well be a hazard to it. Soil supports life on the planet. Chemicals that would change soil composition puts at risk other life forms that depend on that soil. It would be very vital to identify Malathion use hazard and consequences on the environment that people live in. It would also be important to identify hazards of Malathion components on the water bodies. People, animals and plants use water. Identifying the hazards Malathion- contained water may expose to them is crucial in any risk assessment exercise. Dose-response This term refers to the change in effect caused by differing levels of pesticide use (Malathion) in an organism. Organisms can be affected in differing ways, by differing levels of Malathion use. Dose-response assessment would be very critical since, it helps one to identify consequences of Malathion use on organisms. It would be good, to note the effects of Malathion on organisms that exist on that environmental set up. If differing levels of exposure or doses to a stressor triggers change in effect of organisms, the effects will assist in recognizing the risks people, animals or plants are exposed to (Baker et al). Exposure of Malathion use, in risk assessment causes changes in effect of organisms. At this state, chemical components of Malathion, plus their doses are analyzed to determine effects they may have on organisms. For example, quantities of Malathion that differ will not have similar effects on either organisms or the environment. For example chronic exposure to low levels of Malathion have been hypothesized to impair memory. (U. S department of Health and Human Services, retrieved on 2008). This would need to be established if it is true or not. Possible effects of Malathion doses should be established and research done on them, for confirmation before a mission to use Malathion is embarked on. Risks can be characterized depending on affected subjects, areas affected or systems affected. Previous studies have indicated human deaths from Malathion use. Others include intestinal disorders in children, children leukemia, lung damage and kidney damage. Human birth defects have been confirmed in women exposed to Malathion lice shampoo. Malathion results to brain damage and chromosome defects in human blood cells. Genes could also be lost. The immune system is weakened, where there is increased risk of bacteria or viral infection. Animal deaths have occurred and tumors detected on their bodies. Heart defects appear in exposed fish. (Epidemology, 1992: World Health Organization: Edwards et al, 2007) As a result of the risk assessment, I would not vote for the use of Malathion in Genericville city. The hazard exposed to the people, animals and the environment is too great. The effects outweigh any justification for Malathion use. It would be good if other options of controlling the pest were completely exhausted before using the Malathion. Economically, Malathion use could result to extra costs incurred to correct its negative effects on the people, animals and environment. It may lead to political conflicts. Where the community does not agree with Malathion use, use by the council authority will result to disagreements with the community. References Baker E. et al. 1978. Epidemic Malathion poisoning in Pakistan malaria workers Edwards J. et al. 2007. Worker exposure and a risk assessment of Malathion and fenthion Used in the control of Mediterranean fruit fly in south Australia. Environ. Re. 103 (1) Mediterranean fruit fly in south Australia. Environ. Re. 103 (1) Epidemology: Jan 1992. 3 (1): 32-39 U. S Department of Health and Human Services: agency for toxic substances and disease Registry- medical guidelines for Malathion. Retrieved on 15 April 2008 World health organization www. //who. int/entity/water-sanitation-health/dwq/chemicals/malathion/en Retrieved on 15April 2008
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Definition of Asymptotic Variance in Statistical Analysis
Definition of Asymptotic Variance in Statistical Analysis The definition of the asymptotic variance of an estimator may vary from author to author or situation to situation. One standard definition is given in Greene, p 109, equation (4-39) and is described as sufficient for nearly all applications. The definition for asymptotic variance given is: asy var(t_hat) (1/n) * limn-infinity E[ {t_hat - limn-infinity E[t_hat] }2 ] Introduction to Asymptotic Analysis Asymptotic analysis is a method of describing limiting behavior and has applications across the sciences from applied mathematics to statistical mechanics to computer science.à The termà asymptoticà itself refers to approaching a value or curve arbitrarily closely as some limit isà taken.à In applied mathematics and econometrics,à asymptoticà analysis is employed in the building of numerical mechanisms that will approximate equation solutions. It is a crucial tool in the exploration of the ordinary and partial differential equations that emerge when researchers attempt to model real-world phenomena through applied mathematics. Properties of Estimators In statistics, an estimator is a rule for calculating an estimate of a value or quantity (also known as the estimand) based upon observed data. When studying the properties of estimators that have been obtained, statisticians make a distinction between two particular categories of properties: The small or finite sample properties, which are considered valid no matter the sample sizeAsymptotic properties, which are associated with infinitely larger samples when nà tends to âËž (infinity). When dealing with finite sample properties, the aim is to study the behavior of the estimator assuming that there are many samples and as a result, many estimators. Under these circumstances, the average of the estimators should provide the necessary information. But when in practice when there is only one sample, asymptotic properties must be established. The aim is then to study the behavior of estimators as n, or the sample population size,à increases. The asymptotic properties an estimator may possess include asymptotic unbiasedness, consistency, and asymptotic efficiency. Asymptotic Efficiency and Asymptotic Variance Many statisticians consider the minimum requirement for determining a useful estimator is for the estimator to be consistent, but given that there are generally several consistent estimators of a parameter, one must give consideration to other properties as well. Asymptotic efficiency is another property worth consideration in the evaluation of estimators. The property of asymptotic efficiency targets the asymptotic variance of the estimators. Though there are many definitions, asymptotic variance can be defined as the variance, or how far the set of numbers is spread out, of the limit distribution of the estimator. More Learning Resources Related to Asymptotic Variance To learn more about asymptotic variance, be sure to check the following articles about terms related to asymptotic variance: AsymptoticAsymptotic NormalityAsymptotically EquivalentAsymptotically Unbiased
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Write a Discussion Section of a Research Paper
How to Write a Discussion Section of a Research Paper How to Write a Discussion Section of a Research Paper The discussion section of a research paper is dedicated to interpretation of your findings and their significance. Here, you discuss what has already been found about the problem by other researchers, and present your fresh view on the issue, taking into consideration all evidence and facts. This part of a research paper is very indicative of your progress as a student. The discussion section can be considered the most important part of the research paper, because it demonstrates your analytical skills. A good discussion section needs a critical approach to the question, and your ability to synthesize the findings of your research. If it has revealed any gaps in the field, this is also a good section to highlight these gaps, and give your suggestions on the possible improvements. Also, your discussion should be logically structured. There are several types of text structures, so you need to decide which one will be the most suitable, considering the type of research you are conducting. How to Structure Your Discussion Section We can allocate two types of structures you can use to organize the discussion section ââ¬â vertical and horizontal. Vertical structure of the text is comprised of information presented in a hierarchical manner, relating to general elements and more specific ones. The topic unfolds into subtopics, subcategories and separate arguments. You have to keep in mind, that from your point of view, the argument and facts are arranged in a descending manner, taking into consideration how you intend to communicate your thoughts, speculations and conclusions. On the other hand, your reader will perceive all information in an ascending manner, from more specific elements to the general understanding of your topic. The horizontal structure is formed by creating cohesion between your findings. This cohesion is achieved by means of language devices, such as conjunctions, references and omission of words or phrases that can be logically derived from a sentence. All facts, arguments and speculations should be presented consistently, using logical connectives and references. Which Type of Structure is Better There is no right or wrong, it just depends on your findings. The horizontal structure is especially relevant when you are conducting an interdisciplinary research. There is no hierarchy between independent disciplines, so you need a structure which will highlight the relations between facts that belong to different fields. Vertical structure employs the deductive approach to research. If you start proving your thesis statement from a generalization and build your way to a conclusion by analyzing separate element of the general notion, then a vertical structure is more suitable for you discussion section. Points to Consider Whichever structure you decide to choose, your discussion section should have a brief summary of the importance of your findings for the field you study. You can also give your opinion on possible directions for future research, but add only those, that could not be researched in this particular paper. If you give recommendations for further research, remember to avoid repeating your statements in the conclusion section of your research paper. There is no use in wasting space with repetitions, and it can give an impression that you were careless with your final edit of the paper. And finally, on account of the overall research paper, avoid using first person too much. It can distract the reader from the main point of the paper ââ¬â research.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Further Your Writing Name
How to Further Your Writing Name Its simple. Each and every single day you promote yourself. For instance: 1) Write a guest blog post and pitch it. 2) Leave deep, well-written, intelligent replies on other blogs demonstrating who you are and how personable you are. 3) Do a signing anywhere (if you write books). 4) Post on social media something related to your brand or writing. 5) Find mentors on social media and connect with a post. 6) Send review copies (if you write books). 7) Connect with a local bookstore (if you write books). 8) Connect with a library. Join the Friends of the Library. 9) Attend a library event. 10) Volunteer an event at the library (regardless what you write). 11) Attend someone elses signing and give them (just them, not the audience) your book or business card. 12) Join the Chamber of Commerce and send them an ad. 13) Attend a writers group. 14) Attend a Chamber or public event and give out your card. 15) Start a biweekly or monthly newsletter. 16) Create an email signature block about your writing. 17) Host a book party at your home. 18) Connect with an area book club and send a copy of your book. 19) Write a feature for the local paper. 20) Write a feature and pitch it to a local magazine. 21) Write reviews for other authors, emailing them with a copy of the review and a thank-you for writing the book. 22) Attend a writers conference and connect with ten authors. 23) Never leave home without your business cards. Give one out per day. 24) Ask a school if you can make a presentation. 25) Contact your local community center and ask about making a presentation. 26) Send postcards to your community make them simple and professional. 27) Send a press release to your local television stationà to the specific journalist who does human interest pieces. Make the press release about a topic other than the fact you write or have a book. 28) Be seen writing. 29) Write AUTHOR in any place that asks for your profession. 30) Tell someone you are an author, and have answers for those standard questions of What do you write?, Where can I buy your books?, and How can I become published, too? Do not waffle. Own being an expert. Keep a calendar. Each day you promote yourself in any way, cross it off with a big red X. Be honest. And when you dont, leave it blatantly blank. Develop the habit of self-promotion. The point is to become that person everyone recognizes as that writer, not just someone who sometimes writes.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Current Obama Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Current Obama Administration - Essay Example Alinksy believed that the people he was working with had no power in the community, but he sought to make that community heard. [Alinsky] believed that widespread poverty left America open to the influence of demagogues and that the only antidote was active, widespread participation in the political processâ⬠¦[he] envisioned an ââ¬Ëorganization of organizations,ââ¬â¢ comprised of all sectors of the community...â⬠In fact, many of the people he worked with felt like they had no say in their own lives, and as a result some turned to crime. ââ¬Å"[Alinsky] realize[d] that criminal behavior was a symptom of poverty and powerlessness.â⬠Alinsky believed in empowerment of the people, and the Have-Nots desperately needed someone who would step up to the plate for them and plead their case. ââ¬Å"Alinsky considered himself a realist above all, the ultimate pragmatistâ⬠¦[he] had no qualms about assorted versions of morality in the pursuit of worldly power. He didn't coddle his radical acolytes or encourage their bourgeois distinctions between good and evil when it came to transferring power from the Haves to the Have-Nots.â⬠Alinsky claimed that making the opposition live up to their own standards was something that would trip up the opposition every time, because the other could not live up to its promises in a political showdown. Saul Alinsky said, "Make the enemy live up to his/her own book of rules. You can kill them with this. They can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity." The Obama Administration would do well to fight fire with fire, especially on the topic of the health care reform debate. There are about 40 million Americans who have no say when it comes to facing big insurance companies, and therefore are uninsured. If Obama and his Administration held the Republicans' feet to the fire, and really extracted from them that what they did not want was tort reform-but for people to continue going on without health insurance-the dark underbelly of Republican politics would certainly be shown. The Republicans would then be beaten by their own game. The people Saul Alinsky chose to organize were people who had no relative value. "[Alinsky] recruited and guided indigenous leaders who identified common interests that brought together previously hostile ethnic groups of Serbs and Croatians, Czechs and Slovaks, Poles and Lithuanians into a large organization, the Back of The Yards Neighborhood Council."7 The Obama Administration, likewise, has done well to hire a bunch of people from different backgrounds. They should still continue this policy. Saul Alinsky commented, "One of the criteria for picking the target is the target's vulnerability ... the other important point in the choosing of a target is that it must be a personification, not something general and abstract."8 The Obama Administration must focus on the vulnerable points of the Republican Party. If one msut choose the topic of health care, the main sticking points that will keep the Democrats in power-as one is sure this is a factor Obama wants to have a successful presidency-is to expose the Republicans' "can't-do" attitude, obstructionist politics, and misguided, misinformed, and idiotic notions. "An organizer working in and for an open society is in an ideological dilemma to begin with, he does not have a fixed truth -- truth to him is relative
Friday, October 18, 2019
Unit Contribution Margin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unit Contribution Margin - Essay Example At break-even point, the Cost-Volume-Profit analysis equation is reduced to: PX = xv + FC Where p is the price per unit, x is the number of units, v is the variable cost per unit, and total fixed cost is FC. Solving the equation for Break-even sales units Break-even Sales Units = x = FC à · ( p âËâ v ) Since unit contribution margin (Unit CM) is equal to unit sale price (p) less unit variable cost (v) thus, Unit CM = p âËâ v Hence, Break-even Sales Units = x = FC à · Unit CM Break-even Sales Dollars = Price per Unit Ãâ" Break-even Sales Units ; or What is contribution margin ratio and when is it most useful? The contribution margin ratio is the measure of sales, facility returns or selling price that residues after all variable costs and variable costs have been enclosed. Contribution margin ratio= (Sales-variables) / sales Contribution margin ratio plays a key role in; â⬠¢ Determining the profits that will rise from several sales levels â⬠¢ Assessing the influenc e on earnings of changes in sales. In particular, it can be used to estimation the decline in profits if sales drop, and so is an standard tool in the making of budgets. How is the breakeven equation modified to take into account the sales required to earn a target profit?
Simplified Acquisition Procedures Research Paper
Simplified Acquisition Procedures - Research Paper Example The government report uses Simplified acquisitions to illustrate the approach that legalizes a test method that permits government purchasers to acquire profitable items that do not surpass a certain amount (Engelbeck, 2001, p. 29). 2. Describe the circumstances under which the government allows the use of the simplified acquisition procedures One of the conditions offered by the government concerning the use of the Simplified acquisitions is that the government able to validate purchases. Agency officials have been authorized to impose maximum amounts for purchases made. In 1996, the congress widened the use of simplified acquisitions by legalizing a test plan that permits buyers to purchase items that do not go beyond $5 million. As a result, the maximum price set was a requirement that all regime buyers had to follow up. Another condition is the permission of issuing a combined outline and solicitation. This solicitation procedure laid out the plans, procedures, buying modes and v endors to be used throughout the buying procedure. This way, the government would account for every dollar used in the transaction. The issuing procedure might have also needed proposal compliance in less than 45 days as would or else be needed (GAO, 2003, p.3). Government buyers would also be required to set up an official assessment plan or aggressive variety, carry out debates with dealers or achieve quotations or bids. Potential buying risks will be realized through this condition, and make the government less prone to losses or budget upheavals. Another condition that the government applied to all buyers under Simplified acquisitions was the minimization of the credentials needed to give strong reason for compensation decisions. The credentials used for such transactions consume lots of government expenditure, and Simplified acquisitions are one way for the government to reduce expenditure on subsidiary goods and services as such (GAO, 2003, p.2). Currently, the government issu es a test program to include contact procedures for all officers involved in the purchasing procedure. The government seeks maximum efficiency and saving with minimal expenses or financial burdens. Another condition that the government looks forward to is the adherence to the contract clauses prearranged by special documentation that limits administrative costs. This documentation has requirements arranged by FAR 12.3 with the aim of limiting occurrences of sole basis acquisitions. Simplified acquisitions also require a short written report of the processes of employed when compensating the contract file. Other compensations in the contract include the number of bids established, a description of the foundation of the contract reward assessment, and some validation for a sole basis acquisition (Engelbeck, 2001, p. 44). 3. Three examples of the simplified acquisition methods and where they might be appropriate in a government procurement contract An example of Simplified acquisitions techniques is a test plan employed by the government in January 1, 2004. The government used Simplified acquisitions to smoothen the flow of contracting vehicles that federal bureaus use for acquiring goods and services. The test program involved the use of delivery agreements between buyers and the sellers tor educe the chances of acquisition risk, and save time in the course of acquiring the items (GAO, 2003, p.3). Another example is the use of purchase cards that
Stress & Its Relation to Heart Diseases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words
Stress & Its Relation to Heart Diseases - Essay Example The paper tells that depending on the nature of the work of an individual, stress due to work may be acute or chronic. Over the years, if chronic stress is allowed to eventually damage a personââ¬â¢s health, it will lead to metabolic syndrome or a combination of medical disorders which may include cardiovascular disorders. This will then develop into coronary heart disease. Low control over decisions regarding the work of people with high stress activities will facilitate health deterioration including the deterioration of arteries and other parts of the heart. Thus, the employers should take precautionary measures for these groups of people who have high work demand and low control over decisions about their work. Perhaps there can be rotation of duties and responsibilities to allow for workers to recover from too much stress while a less affected group substitutes for the purpose of training themselves to become more resilient to higher stress or more stress factors. Rewards sho uld compensate for more difficult jobs. Too much work stress over an extended time can result in damages to the cardiovascular system. But this is also true for the absence of jobs for people who need jobs. Stress can be in the form of job insecurity. It can also be chronic if a person experiences prolonged joblessness and experiences of failing to secure the job they can work on. It can cause depression. With depression comes the common response of the body to develop weak immune system, high blood pressures, frequent irritability, sleepless nights, sour relationships, and other unfavourable response.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Themes inU.S and Wold History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Themes inU.S and Wold History - Essay Example Before the era of industrialization family units had more freedom for times of relaxation and family contact. The factory owners craved for more profits, this prompted them to employ more workers and women and children were incorporated as it was easy to control them. The working hours were up to 18 hours, reducing the family bond. Days entailed of mostly work and sleep (Fischer 1996). The society was affected by the other consequence that was urbanization; this is the manner in which people migrated to areas where the factories were set. The labor force was large and could not suffice all the people and urbanization crimes like prostitution, theft came to existence affecting the society adversely. Rise of capitalism can be related to the first industrial revolution. This because the increased use of surplus money for investment in ventures to make profit. This made the middleclass to provide leadership for the economic revolution. From the definition of capitalist by Karl Marx, ââ¬Ëcapitalistsââ¬â¢ were the venture entrepreneurs of the day who often risked their wealth on newly formed companies and industries through investment. From this the idea of capitalism can be traced to the first industrial revolution. The factories set with new found machinery that made production faster and cheaper. The wealthier individuals set up factories in form of partnerships or individuals and pay wages to the employees. This then becomes the economic system of capitalism. Without capitalism there could be no existence of such term as communism. Before industrialization there was no capitalism and work was done on oneââ¬â¢s convenience and stride. Industrialization then brought about capitalism, few factories were set up, and a lot of people were working for the owners of this factories. The capitalist were the owners of these factories, the employees working in the factories begun experiencing oppression from the owners (capitalists) this prompted
The Helmet-To-Helmet Rule Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Helmet-To-Helmet Rule - Essay Example It is seen that the new helmet-to-helmet rule works effectively in reducing the number of concussions. This is basically achieved through the measures introduced by the rule, which holds the players accountable for their actions. The defenders are thereby limited in their hard hits. Thus it is realized that the rule has reduced the head injuries that were a common occurrence in the early days before its implementation. The rule receives much support on the conventional view that it greatly mitigates the serious injuries while also punishing those who fail to observe the rules of the game. Such accountability, it is argued, is very important in bringing sanity into the game. It has been realized that the graduating students who join the National Football League (NFL) are becoming bigger and stronger yearly. In that regard, the number of injuries associated with the game is increasing. The game is also becoming more violent given these types of players. The rule is certainly very timel y considering that most of the rules that usually defined the game of football are seriously ignored. In the last few years it has been realized that that most defenders have practically shifted from the conventional methods of tackling and usually confront their opponents head fast. Such dangerous moves usually create crushing tackles. Well, football is certainly intended to be a violent game and most of the hard moves are certainly within acceptable limits (Wingate 78). Nevertheless, proponents of the helmet-to-helmet rule argue that some of the moves made by the defendants are practically unnecessary. As such, given the frequent concussions, it creates the need to control much of the game through the application of universal rules. The new helmet-to-helmet rule is therefore very appropriate and should be supported at all costs considering the important transformation it has brought into the game. One fundamental benefit of the helmet-to-helmet rule is the reduced number of head i njuries that have been associated with its implementation. In each football season, it is estimated that over 20 percent of high school players and 10 percent of college players usually sustain dangerous brain injuries each year (Carter 49). Well, such statistics are shocking and should therefore trigger a new sense of thought in that respect. The increase in the number of concussions is partly attributed to the increasing speed in the games and the defiance of the rules that guide the game. The new helmet-to-helmet rule is therefore perceived as a remedy to the cases of concussions, which usually cause long term effects on the affected people. Such effects include dementia, loss of motor skills and occasional memory loss. These are very dangerous effects that should be controlled at all costs. The imperative of this particular rule at this point in time cannot therefore be underestimated. The challenge is further compounded by the results revealed by new research and evidence which reveals much serious effects of concussions on the affected people. David Kusher in his research realized that cases of multiple concussions spanning over months or years might result into serious neuropsychological deficits. It is also realized that continuous concussions over shorter periods might translate to the second impact syndrome. In this case, a concussion obtained while a player is on recovery from a previous one might lead to a condition known as progressive cerebral edema. Three or more concussions are likely
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Themes inU.S and Wold History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Themes inU.S and Wold History - Essay Example Before the era of industrialization family units had more freedom for times of relaxation and family contact. The factory owners craved for more profits, this prompted them to employ more workers and women and children were incorporated as it was easy to control them. The working hours were up to 18 hours, reducing the family bond. Days entailed of mostly work and sleep (Fischer 1996). The society was affected by the other consequence that was urbanization; this is the manner in which people migrated to areas where the factories were set. The labor force was large and could not suffice all the people and urbanization crimes like prostitution, theft came to existence affecting the society adversely. Rise of capitalism can be related to the first industrial revolution. This because the increased use of surplus money for investment in ventures to make profit. This made the middleclass to provide leadership for the economic revolution. From the definition of capitalist by Karl Marx, ââ¬Ëcapitalistsââ¬â¢ were the venture entrepreneurs of the day who often risked their wealth on newly formed companies and industries through investment. From this the idea of capitalism can be traced to the first industrial revolution. The factories set with new found machinery that made production faster and cheaper. The wealthier individuals set up factories in form of partnerships or individuals and pay wages to the employees. This then becomes the economic system of capitalism. Without capitalism there could be no existence of such term as communism. Before industrialization there was no capitalism and work was done on oneââ¬â¢s convenience and stride. Industrialization then brought about capitalism, few factories were set up, and a lot of people were working for the owners of this factories. The capitalist were the owners of these factories, the employees working in the factories begun experiencing oppression from the owners (capitalists) this prompted
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
What colleges should teach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
What colleges should teach - Essay Example Burke-Vigeland concluded that the current fixed forward step-sitting arrangement of lecture halls is unsuitable for interactive learning as it prevents students from expressing their individuality. He advocates for a flexible classroom which allows professors and students to restructure the classroom to allow team discussions, reversible writing on the walls, incorporation of technology that enables communication with other students around the world, and adaptation of the room for different course work (Burke-Vigeland, n. p.). In the article, What Should Colleges Teach? Stanley Fish raises concern regarding a recent trend whereby college courses are increasingly diverting from their main discipline of focus into other unrelated disciplines. He focuses on the discipline which he teaches, literature, and points out an observation he made whereby writing courses in colleges nowadays tend to focus on analysis of various social issues such as globalization, racism, and sexism instead of f ocusing on writing. As a result, few students taking writing courses in college are able to write a clean English sentence. The author asserts that writing courses should focus exclusively on writing and teach nothing other than grammar and rhetoric (Fish, n. p.). In the article, Rethinking the Way College Students are Taught, Emily Hanford asserts that the traditional method of teaching in colleges whereby students learn through non-interactive lectures is no longer effective since most students are not able to absorb most of the information that is usually disseminated in a single lecture. The author advocates for the peer-instruction method of teaching in colleges and provides proof of its effectiveness by referring to the success of a number of professors who use this method to teach their students. These include Joe Redish, a physics professor at the University of Maryland, Brian Lukoff, a researcher in education at Harvard University, and Eric Mazur, a professor of physics at Harvard University (Hanford, n. p.). In Rethinking the Way Colleges Teach Critical Thinking, Scott Johnson laments the way through which colleges teach critical thinking. He asserts that current practices whereby students are taught through lectures to memorize information is not achieving one of its aims of developing student critical thinking skills. He uses his specialty discipline of instruction, Earth Science, as an example to demonstrate how students can be taught facts while simultaneously gaining crucial critical thinking skills. Johnson asserts that the best way to achieve this purpose is to dedicate a significant portion of the course teaching students how the factual information of the course was gathered through logical and critical evaluation of available information (Johnson, n. p.). In the article, Colleges Should Teach Intellectual Virtues, Barry Schwartz and Kenneth Sharpe underline the importance of helping college students develop intellectual virtues in addition to the traditional roles of teaching them the skills of their discipline, literacy skills, and critical thinking. The authors assert that colleges should help students develop intellectual virtues so as to mold them into all-rounded human beings (Schwartz and Sharpe, n. p.). From the five articles analyzed, it is evident that the education students acquire in colleges does not completely suit their needs and requirements for both professional and personal development. Technology and globalization have
Monday, October 14, 2019
Reasons for and benefits of training and development
Reasons for and benefits of training and development Executive Summary Among the first elements in the company that gets the pressed budget of the company is training for employees who often end up on the cost cutting. Unfortunately, the trained employees and qualified employee are simply that an enterprise should stimulate growth and solve problems in the lean. Innovation, flexibility and dedication required to construct dynamic companies truly come well trained and supported staff. One of the best ways to encourage and support people in your staff is through the professional development and training opportunities. Sending employees to training, or bring opportunities in society, opportunities actually brings a company with new ideas and creative ways to solve old problems. Sometimes, only employees daily grind of their daily work schedule is sufficient to boost energy and to encourage employees to revalidate their employment and society. Later in this report, that well look at some training programmes run by 2 major businesses in U.A.E, those are Emir ates Islamic Bank and InterContinental Hotel Group. We will also examine opportunities, weakness and threat on the training and development. . What is training and development In the field of HRM, training and development is the organizational activities to improve the performance of individuals and groups aiming in organizational settings. It was known by several names, including staff development, developing human resources and learning and development. Training and Development includes three main activities: training, education and development of these ideas are often synonymous. But the practitioners include three separate, although interrelated, activities, as follows: Training This activity focuses on both evaluated against employment any person currently holds. Education This activity focuses on the jobs that a person may hold potentially in the future and is evaluated with these jobs. Development This activity focuses on activities that the Organization employing the individual, or that made individual part, can participate in the future and is almost impossible to assess. The stakeholders in the training and development are classified into several categories. Sponsors of the training and development are senior executives. The customer training and development are corporate planners. Line managers are responsible for guidance, resources and performance. The participants are those who actually undergo the process. The animators are specialists in human resources management. And providers are specialists in the field. Each of these groups has its own agenda and motivation, which sometimes conflict with the agendas and the motivations of others. Typical Reasons for Employee Training and Development Training and development can be initiated for various reasons for an employee or a group of employees, for example: When a performance evaluation indicates performance improvement is necessary. Compare status improvement so far in an effort to improve performance On a programme of professional development in all By planning help an employee to be eligible for a planned succession change in the role of the organization. Pilot, or test the operation of a new system of performance management To form a specific topic, as shown below Typical Topics of Employee Training Communications: Increasing todays workforce diversity offers a variety of languages and customs. Computing: Computer skills are becoming a necessity to carry out administrative and tasks from desktop. Customer service: Increased competition in todays global marketplace makes it critical that employees understand and meet the needs of customers. Diversity: Diversity training usually includes explanations on how people have different views, and perspectives and includes techniques for the value of diversity Ethics: Today company growing expectations on the social responsibility of businesses. Also, diverse workforce today brings a wide range of values and morals rather than work. Human relations: Constraints increased labor today can include misunderstandings and conflicts. Training can people get along in the workplace Quality initiatives: Initiatives such as total, quality circles, calibration, and quality management and so on, require training base on the concepts of quality, guidelines and standards of quality, etc. Security: Security training is critical where working with heavy equipment, hazardous chemicals, repetitive activities etc., but can also be useful with helpful tips to avoid aggression, etc. Sexual harassment: Sexual harassment training usually includes a thorough description of policies on sexual harassment, organization especially on what are inappropriate behaviors. General Benefits from Employee Training and Development There are many sources online training and development. Several sites suggest reasons for supervisors conduct training between employees. These reasons are: The greater job satisfaction and morale of employees Increased employee motivation Greater efficiency in the process, resulting in financial gain Increase capacity to adopt new technology and methods Innovation in products and strategies Reduced employee turnover A better image of the company, for example, ethics training (not a good reason for ethical training!) Risk, for example, training on sexual harassment, diversity training Training is one of the most important parts of overall business strategy. Before starting a specific business or consider a potential acquisition, the first question that poses if present in the organizational skills needed or not. As a general rule, all the skills necessary for effective management of the company must be available in a company; however other core businesses can be outsourced. Training need arises because of the advancement of technology, the need to improve performance or professional development. Insight on Benefits of Training Benefits of training are intangible and invest in training benefits both, organization and used for a long time. Training improves levels of worker skills. It provides the feeling of satisfaction, which is an intrinsic motivation. Training also provides multi employees skills body. Training increases an employer engagement in their jobs and their organization. Understanding reduced employment accidents. One of the benefits of training for a larger organization is that it provides expertise in organization which reduces the overall cost of operations of the company. Quality is a key functionality needed for an organization over the long term survival. TQM (total Quality Management) and other quality management techniques require the training of staff as an important necessary to its successful implementation. Customer satisfaction increases repeat business, which is a key to success. Employee training to promote good customer relations will increase customer satisfaction and service quality. Just in time philosophy is one of the main ideas in Japan.JIT stress on reducing waste and wait times in production processes. Better training reduces wastage and machine downtime. Much of the cost of quality consists of monitoring; by providing adequate training, reduced. Training increases the productivity of employees and processes. High turnover can be a serious threat to the existence of the Organization, the major advantage of the training is that it allows reducing staff turnover and help an organization to keep its staff. Better training may offer an advantage competitive organization to others in the industry. In service industries the primary source of business income is his expertise of staff and skills, acquire professional with high skills are relatively expensive than the current acquire these skills training. Training is also a major element of the new recruits; adequate training helps understand the work, its requirements and responsibilities. Training also increases understanding of organizational culture. Training programs strengthens the communication between the different levels of an organization. Any deficiencies in the processes and jobs are eliminated and those close to production processes have become involved in the management. Clearance of personnel is a recent trend management; this empowerment will be successful in the proper training is provided to persons entitled. . Organization, Trainee and Trainer An organization has a very close relationship with the trainee and the trainer because it is the first contact for both. Demand for training in the undertaking increases when the organization wants to: Hire new people training as a means of training new recruits To expand when society wants to increase its workforce. To increase number of employees (by position) by a certain date To improve the performance of employees Name of the Organization to be part of the training unit Demand for training also increases when there is a change in the nature of employment, consumer tastes, change in the methods of product development, etc. The organization goes through the following steps to transfer training field. But the problem arises when the organization outsource training process. In this situation, the Organization assumes the trainer must be aware of the type of training s needs of participants and their organization and their content meets these needs. This leads to failure of the program, which translates collusion. Therefore, it is a duty before any organization to make the trainer and their conscious organization culture, climate, the responsibilities of the Organization, etc. Developing People and Capabilities Many organizations face the challenge to develop greater confidence, initiative, solution-finding capabilities and solving problem between their peoples. Organizations need to staff at all levels, to be more self-sufficient, creative and independent. This staff allows behavior can operate at higher strategic level, which makes their organizations more productive and competitive. The efforts of the people produce greater results. This is what all organizations strive to achieve. However, then the conventional training give people new techniques and methods, it does develop their maturity, belief, or courage, which is essential for the development of managers and strategic capacity. Yet once again focus on the development of the person, not skills. Try to see things in perspective of the person (your employees). Provide learning and experiences that they would like for their own personal interest, the development and completion. Performance and capacity are ultimately dependent on the attitude and the peoples emotional maturity. Help them achieve what they want on a personal level, and it provides a platform for confidence, emotional Contracting Organization and development of skills/process/knowledge further relevant to handle the highest responsibilities, roles and teams. Participatory workshops work well in the beginning of this type of development attitude. Involve people from the outset. Focus on what they want. You can also use a questionnaire for personal development to begin to set the stage and provides examples of learning opportunities other. It starts with the person, not skills. It attitude and emotional maturity. The principles of the emotional intelligence and methodologies to adapt very well with modern approaches to popular belief, maturity and attitude development. When people develop trust, integrity, emotionally, they are automatically more proactive, focusing on solutions, reactive, etc., on a whole team, which has a cumulative effect. Johari is a useful model too. For many people to work is simply crosses the movements, acting in a consistent status, often because they feel not secured, lack of confidence to do what they think, it is fair, or are nervous about being fat, whereas daring is absolutely necessary for self-sufficiency, initiative, greater responsibility; in fact all behaviors organizations is to encourage. You cannot teach daring persons were to experience things to feel bolder, take risks and want to take risks. This means that premium must be too or people have no reason to stick their neck and not only the perspective of a financial reward. Especially responsible additional actual Herzberg type motivators and the recognition and participation in new projects successful and interesting. This is the fuel for growth and change people. Emirates Islamic Bank UAE They are located in different Emirates of UAE. Emirates Islamic Bank provides training and development of their employees as follows: Induction programs Each new employee is attend after recruitment, and is doing a familiar employee and knows the meaning and goal of putting in place the Organization and their employment business. Course Relevant courses in the fields in the Department of the Bank that the employee works, new procedures and developments. Workshops Workshops are conducted by internal staff and external people to Bank staff in their respective fields for the benefit of their performance. Training institutes Emirates Islamic Bank is associated with Emirates Bank Institute funds to train its employees. Training Center-General conditions This training Institute provides short-term and long-term courses related to banking services on a regular basis, and the duration of the course varies from 2 to 7 days each course. Certification programs: Emirates Islamic Bank has sponsored employees for certification programs CIPA Islamic public accounting certified Emirates Islamic Bank sponsors the CIPA examination cost for its talented and senior bankers, who are expensive examinations with regard to cost, and all expenses are borne by the Bank itself. MBA programs Emirates Islamic Bank facilitates its employees to obtain an MBA by providing interest free loan, partially or fully sponsored MBA costs required employees, as the base case. Talent Pool Employees of high performance for all departments (ministries) are placed together with the potential to be responsible for transmitting them with specialized or tailor made programs leadership in collaboration with leading universities. The duration is 3-4 months. Seminars and activities These seminars are specific department; furthermore they are for personal growth, such as the construction of motivation and pastimes activities Intercontinental Hotel Group In UAE and Worldwide: InterContinental Hotel Group believes that their population led to the success of their business, so that they will invest in their skills to improve their work and progress to more difficult and more responsible position. To help make this InterContinental offers a range of training programs designed to develop their potential in the moment that their employees become part of the team of the INTERCONTINENTAL. Range of INTERCONTINENTAL functional training and leadership development initiatives includes: Revenue management The INTERCONTINENTAL provides training courses on several high-impact drivers focus hospitality managers to maximize revenue: forecasting and availability, pricing and distribution, channel management controls overbooking and group management and non-traditional revenue management applications. The course explores a subject in depth, with particular emphasis on the role of effective revenue management policy and applying practical tools and techniques for hospitality. Sales and marketing InterContinental offers training to employees of the sales and marketing, service typical course covers following topics: Effective leadership skills Marketing Research Market Intelligence Key account management Finance for managers non-finance Strategic business planning Professional sales skills Housekeeping It is mandatory for all new employees in the housekeeping service to take this course to meet high standards of service. InterContinental regularly organize training as necessary existing employees. The course develops some training for equipment and products used by the hotel in the household. Maintenance and monitoring of leadership. This training is oriented to less management; this training provides the leadership skills at the personal level supervisor. Programs for employees of the INTERCONTINENTAL online training: InterContinental uses new technology and, therefore, all members of staff have access to hardware training about the role that employees and everywhere where they work, they can also take advantage of online training programs developed in partnership with the Institute home. Senior leadership programs Senior leadership program offers a structured range of develop skills in top-level management. The program offers courses and psychometric assessment content delivered by leading academics focuses on connection with nobody, business, personal and career goals. Assessment centers InterContinental are also the only group hotel offer Assessment centers around the world to help high-performing individuals in business, management and monitoring moving on and next level roles. Four promises of INTERCONTINENTAL its employees: One of the promises of four of the intercontinental to everyone who works for intercontinental is room to grow. To support employees and give them opportunities to develop and pursue rewarding careers intercontinental will be make sure: You know what success means for your role. Youll be involved in regular feedback instructions quality You will have the opportunity to develop both your current and future roles in Find out what career opportunities are available with intercontinental worldwide. Bearing in mind a comparative study of the training and development between the international markets that Japanese work environment is a good example, which is declared as follows: A good example: Japanese, work environment Many times in and outside Japan share a picture of the Japanese work environment that is based on a model of life-employment used by large enterprises as well as a reputation for working hours long and strong dedication to the society. This environment is said to take into account economic conditions began in the 1920s, when large corporations competing on the international market has begun to accumulate the same prestige was traditionally assigned to the daimyo retention of government service relationship or feudal Japan in the Meiji Restoration. In very high, the most prestigious companies would recruit and retain the best workers by offering better benefits and job security life really. In the 1960s, employment at a prestigious company had become the goal of the children of the new middle class, the prosecution which required resource mobilization family and great perseverance individual in order to achieve success in the education system of ferocious competitive. Employees are expected to work hard to demonstrate loyalty to the company, in exchange for certain benefits such as housing, grants and employment security good insurance, use of leisure facilities and premiums and pensions. Start at low wages, but age is rewarded with promotions based on a combination of age and capacity. Leadership does not rely on the assertion itself or quick decision-making, but on the ability to create a consensus, taking into account the needs of subordinates. Investigations indicate continuing preference for the bosses who are demanding but show concern for privacy of workers on the less demanding bosses interested only in performance on the job. This system reward behavior showing identification with teamwork, indicated by sing the song of the company, not take vacation days and share credit for the achievements with the working group. Pride in his work is expressed in competition with other parallel sections in the society and between the company and other similar companies in industries. Thus, people are motivated to keep wa (harmony) and participate in activities group, not only on employment but also within hours socializing (nomikai). However, the image of loyalty group may be more a matter of ideology practical, especially for people that he do not upwards. SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis is carried out by comparing the training and development of employees in the UAE and Japan. Strengths: UAE is a hub of business, attracting not only work, but expats, tourists, investors and ultimately employees from a very wide range of countries and cultures to come and work in the UAE. The market and environment of UAE is very quick in adapting new changes and making developments and has the skills of applying them successfully. UAE attracts workforce from all over the world. Weaknesses: The UAE needs to reconsider its law on visa regulation, as a visa of 3 years and medical checkup very frequently, for it restricts the Employer for planning on a long term plan for the training and development of the employee. The Labor laws are not flexible enough and does not enable free market concept. Equal opportunities should be available for both locals and expats in the UAE for training and development of the Employees. Language barriers of foreign training institute operating in U.A.E with foreign trainers. U.A.E losses lots of expertise and experience when expats leave the country. Opportunities Underdeveloped national workforce, hence potential for training is high. Government is determined to develop National workforce The Growth of Free zone are encouraging Bring in training institutes from Japan to make the employees of the UAE feel as their assets and plan training and developing programs accordingly. Threats UAE despite being one of the most fastly developed countries in the world, it will not be able to develop in building a reputation of attracting new recruitments and then training and developing employees in building personalities of the people who work for them, as it motivates employees to work better and give better results. Critical Analysis Despite having several training and development programs both IHG and emirates bank consider them as over head expense. Instead of building and maintain workforce they try to hire directly skilled resource from the market. As recession has taken toll also there is considerable cut in the budget of training and development. Some time employees also attend training for the sake of training; there can be variety of reasons for this like lack of motivation, lack of interest in the subject and attitude. Conclusion The UAE is one of the fastest developing economies with new ideas from its people coming in to advance its infrastructure, technology and economy. It already is playing a major role in the training and development of its employees, but revising its visa policies and collaborating further with Japanese training institutes will enhance its workforce both locals and especially expats in working better. *************************
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Is it Time to Change the Humanities Requirement? Essay -- Expository E
Is it Time to Change the Humanities Requirement? The Universityââ¬â¢s Humanities Core represents a vital though enigmatic aspect of the curricular philosophy. Considering that the Core seems so anomalous compared to the curricula of similar universities, it is interesting to note that the Humanities Core seems to have an especially distinguished significance. For example, humanities is the only sequence which is taken almost uniformly by first year students; it is also one of two or three Core sequences that cannot be replaced by AP credits or placement tests. Perhaps most importantly, the humanities requirement may be the only part of the Core that seems to be almost universally perceived as having no application outside of the Ivory Tower. Thus we are faced with the difficult question of what distinguishes the Humanities Core from other pursuits and why it is that the University, an institution that prides itself on academic commitment and prowess, continues to place special emphasis on it. In order to confront this difficult question I will first consider the Humanities Core generally and attempt to decipher its value in terms of content and then in terms of utility; I will then turn my attention to a specific work studied in the Humanities Core and attempt to make sense of its inclusion in the curriculum. As a second-year student, I have pretty fresh memories of my experience in the Humanities Core. I took the auspiciously titled Human Being and Citizen, and although I lacked the perspective held by a student enrolled in, say, Reading Cultures or Greek Thought, I believe that HBC provides an experience which is perhaps most easily generalized in regard to Universityââ¬â¢s first-year humanities experience. This is because HBC s... ...t booksâ⬠course like HBC. Although the other sequences may address more particular issues, there is clearly an interest in tracing facets of the intellectual tradition which are independent of content or utility: Philosophical Perspectives explores the pre-Socratic philosophical evolution which laid the groundwork for our western philosophical tradition; Readings in World Literature examines the work of authorsââ¬âToni Morrison, for exampleââ¬âwho have addressed enduring and complex literary questions in unique ways, thus affecting the way in which these questions are conceptualized. Perhaps having a frame of reference which incorporates these thinkers is necessary if we want to understand and shape our own surroundings and thus an indispensable part of a comprehensive education. NOTES *Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Translation by Martin Oswald, Prentice-Hall, 1962.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Social Networking: Privacy Issues Essay -- Facebook, Twitter, Internet
Is it an invasion of privacy, if we place our private thoughts and photos on social websites and other people besides out friends and family view it? Who really reads the terms of use and conditions in a privacy statement online? We just click the checkbox and keep on going. If we had to read each and every single line, no one would ever sign up on a social networking site. How do users protect themselves through the forest of privacy options so they can get the most out of Facebook, MySpace and Twitter with the least amount of risk? The more information a user gives to the social network the greater risk that someone could misuse or steal information. Most users do not understand how to protect themselves and go through the necessary steps for protection on cyberspace. There are several problems with adding contact information in your profile. If you do not lock out this information to the friends you want to have such information, anyone that views your page can get you contact information such as cell phone, IM screen name, address, city and email address. According to the Web site geek system, Cryptome, a whistleblower site got their hands on Microsoftââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Global Criminal Compliance Handbook,â⬠a comprehensive 22 page guide running down surveillance services Microsoft perform for law enforcement agencies on its various online platforms, which includes detailed instructions from IP address extraction (Quigley, 2010). This article published electronic surveillance guides for Facebook, AOL and Skype (Quigley, 2010). According to Facebook search warrant guidelines data retrieval is based upon a Facebook user ID or group id (Facebook, 2008). When the Facebook ID is not available they can locate a user by using their email a... ... top 50 U.S. web properties for June 2010, Retrieved August 08, 2010 from: comScore (2010b, June 2). Social networking ranks fastest growing mobile content category, Fastest growing content catergories via browser access 3 month avg. Retrieved August 8, 2010 from: comScore. (2010c, July 28). Social networking sites reach a higher percentage of women than men worldwide. Reston, VA: Retrieved on August 4, 2010 from:
Friday, October 11, 2019
Defining Marketing Essay
To answer the premise of the paper, ââ¬ËDefining Marketingââ¬â¢ a definition of marketing is a proper beginning for consideration. My personal definition of marketing is the concept or premise of a function in which products, goods or services are transferred to a consumer or client by a producer or seller. Other definitions exist to describe marketing aside from the prior definition. Marketing has been described as, ââ¬Å"A management process identifying, anticipating and supplying client or consumer requirements with efficiency and profitability.(Tutor2U, 2010) In that same article marketing is described as ââ¬Å"human activities that are directed at facilitating and consummating exchanges. â⬠(Tutor2U, 2010)This last expression or definition rings true, in that as a consumer I want appeal, product or name recognition, quality, and value for my money. The sellers or producers are engaged in making a profit and ensuring a positive client experience and consumers or clie nts who want products that are within their budget, durable and meets the expectations of the transaction; thus a deal can be made between the two entities. In the course text, Basic Marketing, by Perrault, Cannon and McCarthy, the term marketing is further defined as ââ¬Å"performing activities seeking to accomplish an organizationsââ¬â¢ objectives through the anticipation of customer needs and directing the flow of need satisfying goods and services from producer to client or customer. â⬠(Basic Marketing, page 6, 2009) Marketing is important for organizational success along with companies having flexibility, exuding a transparent organizational culture and challenging employees to excel and remaining accountable for their actions. Many companies and organizations struggle to find the right balance in management to ensure the company growth and achieve profitability. Marketing can plan an important role in companies excelling with their corporate goals. The use of marketing is how companies conceive and promote corporate brand management and strategic positioning; but it also works toward a corporate strategy and allows for companies to be innovative and thrive in their industries. A company with a marketing business plan considers the key stakeholders, communication channels, the business environment and, core corporate competencies. Using the company brand is a leverage to be used to its full potential. Marketing can assist in developing new consumer channels, products or services that can grow the company or organization and make a sustainable difference in industry trends. The marketing business strategy should include ideas on obtaining new clients, retaining current clients or customers, brand management and tactical to promote sales of the companyââ¬â¢s products and services. As a business tool or foundation, marketing uses strategic tactics designed to identify the appropriate market and time for implementation and will impact the organization success of a company. Verizon Communications is a favorite in the telecommunication industry and one of the most powerful national companies in the specialty. Verizon uses new technology recently developed and follows through by introducing the advances to a competing industry. Through research and marketing, Verizon has found what telecommunication technology works and has become very proud of starting a major transformation in the wireless world. As an innovator, Verizon is a industry leader in providing information technology and advanced communications to customers. Through a partnership with major computer companies, Hewlett Packard and Dell Computers, Verizon can produce technological products that are of high quality. The use of these practices helps the Verizon organizational structure through strategic business goals including employee development, diversity awareness, and recruitment. (Verizon, 2010)Another company that has demonstrated consistently to employees and stakeholders, honest and fair business practices resulting in significant organizational success is Dole Food Company. The Dole name is one often associated with high quality and nutrition for fresh cut flowers, vegetables and, fruit. Dole also markets a line of packaged and frozen foods and serves as a leader in the industry for nutrition education and research. (Murdock, 2008) Dole Foods underwent a two-year research and redevelopment program for the Dole Fresh Vegetable product line. (Dole, 2008)Doleââ¬â¢s willingness to share knowledge publicly, invest in new technology, fight food born disease, are all public benefits derived from their ethical leadership. Doleââ¬â¢s financial stewardship and social responsibility underscores the fact that the company is both ethical and profitable. In business, there is more to being successful and achieving organizational success than having products or services at reasonable prices. Many companies underuse marketing as one of their business functions. Alternatively there are many companies that have been successful because of the effective use of strategic marketing such as Microsoft, Sony, American Express, Disney and Wal-Mart,just to name a few.
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